| 1. | Consumer price index and retail price index by region 分地区居民消费价格指数和商品零售价格指数 |
| 2. | General retail price index 社会零售物价总指数 |
| 3. | Retail price index : reflects the general change in retail prices of commodities 商品零售价格指数:是反映城乡商品零售价格变动趋势的一种经济指数。 |
| 4. | Therefore , the calculation of retail price index is useful to analyze the changes of the above economic activities 因此,计算零售价格指数,可以从一个侧面对上述经济活动进行观察和分析。 |
| 5. | Therefore , the calculation of retail price index is useful to analyze the changes of the above economic activities 利用居民消费价格指数,可以观察和分析消费品的零售价格和服务价格变动对城乡居民实际生活支出的影响程度。 |
| 6. | Formation of retail price index aims to keep abreast of price fluctuation of retail commodities and provide the reference basis for the central government in working out economic policies 其目的在于掌握商品价格的变动动态,为国家宏观调控提供参考依据。 |
| 7. | Before 1994 , price indices of means of agricultural production was a sub - category in the in the retail price indices of commodities , and it has been compiled separately since 1994 1994年以前,农业生产资料价格指数仅仅是商品零售价格指数的一个类别,此后,从商品零售价格指数中分离出来,单独编制。 |
| 8. | Most economists have accepted the fact that china has entered a new period of deflation since the rpi ( retail price index ) droped in october 1 997 and cpi ( consummer price index ) droped in april 1998 1997年10月开始我国零售商品物价持续下降, 1998年4月开始我国居民消费价格持续下降,同时其他相关指数也开始下降,经济学界对此已统一认定我国进入了通货紧缩期。 |
| 9. | Retail price index refers to the prices at which industrial , commercial , catering and other retail enterprises sell daily consumer goods and products for office use to urban and rural residents and institutions and social organizations 商品零售价格指数商品的零售价格是商品在流通过程中最后一个环节的价格,是工业、商业、餐饮业和其他零售企业向城乡居民、机关团体出售生活消费品和办公用品的价格。 |
| 10. | Inflation measured by retail price index declined from the peak of 21 . 7 percent in 1994 to 0 . 8 percent in 1997 and remained subdued in the following years while real gdp growth moderated gradully from 13 . 5 percent in 1993 to a more sustainable rate 由零售物价指数来衡量的通货膨胀率从1994年21 . 7 %的高点下落到1997年的0 . 8 % ,并且在后来的几年中一直被控制在一个较低的水平上,而国内生产总值实际增长率也从1993年的13 . 5 %逐渐回落到可持续发展的水平上。 |